
Need a copy of your 韦德娱乐app下载地址 transcript? Follow the instructions below. 请注意: Once a student is 18 years old, they must make the request — not the parents of the student.

1. 打印并填写我们的 申请成绩单表格.

2. Email the completed form to Registrar Diane Sugden at dsugden@volkswagen-dealers.net. You can also send it via mail: 

attn: Registrar Diane Sugden

3. 汇款15美元.00 transcript fee via check or 在线支付. Checks must be made payable to 韦德娱乐app下载地址 and sent to Diane Sugden at the address above.


Once payment is received, Diane will mail your official transcript. If you have any questions, contact her at dsugden@volkswagen-dealers.net.
